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My Blog

Acceptance: Learning to let go
Sometimes things happen in our lives that are totally out of our control, for example, what is happening now with Covid-19. We normally...

From a scientific perspective how does mindfulness meditation improve your physical health?
You may think that mindfulness meditation just improves your mental health but you may be surprised to know that there are numerous...

Mindfulness and how it quietens down your brain's alarm system
Did you know that your brain has it's own alarm system? The amygdala makes up part of your own personal alarm system. It is a tiny almond...

The Benefits of Mindfulness in the Workplace
Have you ever wondered what mindfulness is all about and how it can benefit your employees? Read on to find out what it means to be...

6 Great Ways To Manage Stress
Now-a-days life can be so fast paced and stressful it sometimes feels like it's so difficult to just slow down and take a breather. Many...

What is mindfulness and how can it help you lead a stress-free life?
Life can be so fast paced and there doesn’t seem to be any sign of it slowing down. Your mind may be filled with thoughts about work &...

How Does Meditation Help Reduce Stress?
How active is your mind? What type of thoughts do you have? Are you a worrier or an optimist? Did you know that the amount of activity...
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