Naturopathy | Hypnotherapy | EMDR |
Mindfulness | Stress Management |
| Corporate Wellness |

Corporate Wellness
Develop a winning team by improving the physical, mental & emotional health & well-being of your employees
What We Do
​We work with businesses to develop and implement a range of corporate wellness initiatives aimed at tackling the physical, mental health and stress-related problems faced by a growing number of today’s workforce.

The World Health Organisation has reported that by implementing a well-managed corporate wellness scheme businesses can expect the following:
For the Organisation:
Improved staff morale
Reduced staff turnover
Increased productivity
A positive and caring image
Cost savings
For the Employee:
Improved health
Improved self-wellbeing
Enhanced self-esteem
Reduced stress
Increased job satisfaction

Improve the Health and Wellbeing of Your Employees with a Range of Corporate Wellness Initiatives with Proven Benefits
How We Do This

Educate employees on improving their physical & mental wellbeing.

Delivery of various programmes designed to help manage stress.

Arrange all the necessary advice, information, stalls, talks and events.

Educate, encourage & implement activities to improve physical health.

Educate employees on how they can make healthy changes to their diet.

Work with management teams to implement a range of events.
Book your FREE initial consultation today!

Call to arrange: 07882 777 370
Businesses we have previously worked with:​
MatalanMacmillan Cancer Support
Oliver James Associates
Bowel Cancer UK
Eversheds Sutherland
Social Circle
One Stream Software
Macclesfield Cancer Support
A large cancer care NHS trust in the north west