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Leading a Healthy Lifestyle

I’m sure you know that eating a healthy diet and exercising is important to improve or maintain good health, however, there is more to it than that. Leading a healthy lifestyle includes many other things particularly managing stress levels and finding ways to get the most out of life so that you feel happy and contented. In this little booklet I would like to share some ideas with you that will hopefully help you get on the right path to improving your health and well-being and leading a happier and healthier life.

Food, Stress & Emotional Diary

Ongoing physical symptoms such as headaches, nausea, bloating, constipation and/or diarrhoea etc. (or other physical ailments come to mention it) may be caused by a food allergy/intolerance, emotional issues and/or stress. To identify the possible cause it would be a good idea to keep a diary. Here you should record what you are eating/drinking, how you are feeling emotionally, your stress levels and when and what symptoms appear.

Living a Healthy Life with Coeliac Disease, Gluten Intolerance or Wheat Allergy

I have put together this booklet from knowledge I have gained not from just being a Naturopath but because I suffered from digestive issues for many years. I am happy to say that practically all of issues have cleared up now. So I thought it would be a good idea to share my story about how my issues started and how I finally managed to resolve them so that it would give hope to others that they too can get well again.

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Problem Solving Worksheet

If you have a problem in your life and you are finding it difficult to find a resolution for, you may find it helpful to use this Problem Solving Worksheet. Using this worksheet involves:

1. Describing the problem you face.

2. Making a list of possible actions you can take to improve or correct the situation.

3. Evaluating each idea and how easy or difficult it might be to put them into action.

4. Making a contract with yourself to complete those actions and specifying a date for when you will complete them.



​In this little booklet you will find a range of ideas to help you get on the right path to improve your health and wellbeing and start leading a happier and healthier life.

Free Ebook "Leading a Healthy Lifestyle"

Leading a healthy lifestyle brochure Nov 2023 cover.png

“Good health is not just the absence of disease

but the presence of energy, vitality and enthusiasm for life”

Clinic Locations

Precious Health

First Floor

Progress House

17 Cecil Road

Hale WA15 9NZ

Chorlton Therapy Rooms

2 Railway Terrace


Manchester M21 0RQ



England, UK

Consultations can also be carried out interactively via Zoom.

Good Health IQ

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