Naturopathy | Hypnotherapy | EMDR |
Mindfulness | Stress Management |
| Corporate Wellness |

The following feedback has been received from clients who have had a consultation with Linda or who took part in the "28 Day Healthy Living Challenge". This was an online health programme which was put together by Linda to help clients improve their health and well-being and/or lose weight over a 28 day period.
"I went to see Linda as I had skin and digestive issues. I implemented all of the changes that Linda recommended and I've seen such positive changes. I was so amazed by the results that I want to train to be a Naturopath myself now! Thank you Linda" Becca
"I had been struggling with digestive issues for a number of years but was getting nowhere despite continuous trips to the doctors. I went to see Linda and I found her to be so knowledgeable and to have a good understanding of what was happening to me. Linda helped me resolve a lot of the dietary issues that I had. She guided me thru stress and emotional issues that were contributing to the way I was feeling. My digestive issues are so much better now and I can't thank Linda enough". Ollie
"Linda was clearly very knowledgeable and was thorough in her consultation and treatments" Chris
"I was experiencing a lot of stress in my life which was causing me some health problems. Linda recommended some easy but effective stress management techniques that I could use which have really helped my stress levels and my physical health has improved. I am both surprised and relieved that stress can cause physical problems.
Thanks Linda X" Susan
"I had a consultation with Linda as I was suffering from hair loss; my eyebrows were thinning along with the hair on my head which was causing me a lot of distress. Linda did a thorough consultation with me to identify the cause of my hair loss. She then made recommendations which included changes in my diet, taking certain supplements and managing my stress levels along with some other techniques. I'm so pleased to say that my hair is starting to come back! Thank you Linda :-)" Abbie
"I saw Linda because I was having some problems with some recurring health problems that have been getting worse over the years. She's got a really relaxed, fun personality and so I felt at ease straightaway and she really helped me understand what was going wrong. I was basically eating too much rubbish! (my words not hers !) She worked with me to put a plan together that that wasn't too scary and would work for me and my busy lifestyle. I can't promise that I always stick to it but I can definitely say I am starting to feel so much better. Thanks Linda you've made a big difference. Looking forward to my next review so you can see the changes." Simon
"I was suffering from acne which was causing me problems with work as I am a model. From the recommendations that Linda made and by following her advice my skin cleared up. Very happy!" Izzy
"The advice given was fab and has helped me so much in reviewing my diet and implementing eating a healthy balanced diet." Nicola
"I had bald patches on my head. From the advice Linda gave me I am now happy to say that my hair is growing back" Helen
"I had some digestive issues, particularly a lot of bloating. Linda looked at my diet and lifestyle and gave me a diet to follow. I am happy to say the bloating has now stopped". Tracey
"Fabulous programme! I started this to give me a kick start to lose weight and improve my diet. I've started to have breakfast in the morning instead of a sugar loaded Starbucks, eating at least 2 pieces of fruit, drinking at least 8 glasses of water and watching my portions… The menus were a hit and this will hopefully help me to plan my meals; which is another thing that I would like to implement which will reduce food waste!" Farha
"The 28 day challenge was superbly put together by Linda Orrett, and it was good to have her there driving the whole thing through till the end!" Gary
"I really enjoyed the program. The support from Linda and the other participants was phenomenal. Thanks again Linda!" Helen
"I feel educated & able to keep a record and more mindful. Very motivational & informative." Susan
"This challenge really inspired me to set and stick to my goals. I learnt lots of new ideas for improving my diet. I also liked the fact that the focus was on long-term health benefits rather than short-term weight loss." Emily
“…I lost 8 lb and started exercising more regularly and taking lunch to work. It is good to see that the programme has inspired several of my friends to change their eating patterns and that they are seeing the results… the emotional eating aspect is very relevant to many people who overeat." Sarah-Louise
"A stone lost for me. No bread potato caffeine fizzy drinks alcohol or dairy for 28 days. Feeling energised and after a few days to regroup I am motivated to push on." David
"I've managed to drop 5lbs and reduced my coffee intake and increased the amount of water I'm drinking. Still need to work on my meal planning but your plan has been a great start and something I can continue with." Beverley
"The last 28 days seem to have flown, and really hasn't been that hard with so much positivity from everyone on here. This healthy eating needs to be an on-going thing for me as I know it can change me for the better as a person physically and mentally." Gary
"What I would like to say that I’ve got out of this is that I feel part of a team all of us trying to be healthy . My personal reasons for wanting to get fit and healthy is my wedding in a few months but I’ve not felt alone in doing so… I want to keep this up for months as I felt far healthier and better about myself… Thank you Linda for giving us motivation and inspiration that we can do it and I hope this forum stays open after this 28 days." Louise